Remember that Gideon had only three hundred men and these men defeated their enemies running into tens of thousands using 'tactics' rather than numbers.
'Ugly Sisters' a school production (from my 2002 newspaper cuttings)
We have too much to do, the focus cannot be on entertaining ourselves
Effectiveness is what counts. I see a young group emerge in the BWE battle that will position themselves (as CEOs, Film Directors, wives and friends of powerful men) for maximum effectiveness. They will be grounded in the precepts of Black women empowerment and they will achieve and influence for the better of black women and achieve what thousands wont be able to achieve in 10 years! That’s why we do what we do here, that’s why we keep writing and preaching; that we may plant the seeds into the younger black women and they are there, never doubt it!
I was really encouraged when a teenage black girl wrote me to say she 'gets' BWE. She wasn't asking what BWE is, or how can one be BWE? she read a few articles and she 'caught' it, she understood BWE in the spirit.
She understood the spirit of BWE and therefore she didn't need a dictionary or guide book. When you know 'the spirit' of a thing you don't need any step by step guidance, that’s why I can be on one side of the Atlantic and I am on the same page as women I have never met on the other side of the Atlantic Its a beautiful thing when you understand others in the spirit. If something is blocking your understanding of what BWE is about, maybe its time for some soul searching. What is the block, is it resentment, fear, refusal to let go of old formula and old unproductive models? Is any of these holding back your understanding?
I also want to say here that what binds me with most of you on the BWE path isn't sisterhood or friendship (even though I am sure many of you are wonderful and we would be friends in real life), it is our commitment to an ideal, a commitment to the best for black women. That’s all that binds us and all that needs to bind us. Friendships can result from this, but first and foremost it is our dedication to achieving victory for black women that is the primary bond. We are like secret agents in the crowd. We have a goal and we are working our assignment. That is what binds us!
Never think that you have to bind together with the crowd. I would even go further to say that this empowerment walk will be a very individual one as you aim to be excellent in everything. Many black women 'match' their energies with those in their sister-friend group without even being aware. The refusal to let go of others in pursuit of their goals is one reason why you find cohorts of friends etc suffering the same issue whether it be obesity or singleness and there are little ways in which other black women enforce the group status quo and prevent each other from reaching for more or from breaking free from limit.
I was in the local library a few months ago and there were these two black girls sitting and 'reading' a bit further off from where I was. There was a free chair by my side and a young college white boy came up and asked if he could have the seat. Immediately these black girls let put a loud giggle, when we both looked across they put down their heads to pretend something else was going on but I knew that it was the interaction between the young white lad and myself that these girls were trying to disrupt, sending a disapproving signal disguised as a laugh.
Another incident which I may or may not have recounted before is that of a 10 year old who came around when I was having a conversation with a white guy at our church. She hung around until I excused myself thinking she wanted to talk to me about something urgent, but no sooner had I turned to speak to her she rushed off without a word.
See even at these young ages these young black girls had already learnt how to police the boundaries using ingenious methods like coughing, laughing (to make other black girls self conscious), interrupting etc. What this does is it makes those who are uncertain pull back because you begin to feel that something is wrong with what you are doing or about to do. Only if you are strong minded and really know your mind would you be able to shrug off the antics of others to go for what you want. But since most of us are growing into certain ideas and perspectives or becoming aware of options available out there, and our next course of action is suggested by these interactions in the first place, these kind of disruptive actions are designed to effectively nip in the bud our 'potential'. This is why they are so effective because they cut of the potential for an activity before the activity has a chance to even begin to happen.
Some people are moved by impulses they are not even aware of and these people are dangerous because they don't understand what is 'driving' them (self awareness), and neither will you until that invisible force moves them to do something counterproductive!
The Kindle books are a little behind schedule. I shall make them available for PDF downloads as well as some have requested!
New e-Books Available on Amazon Kindle early 2012

Wondering about Interracial dating?
You will find answers in this e-book which gives a clear insight into the relationship reality facing black women today, including her interracial dating option. Get yourself clued up!
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